Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is Facebook for the classroom!

This is the program I would use if I had the use of handheld PC’s in the classroom। This would be the perfect tool to use. It works the same as a social networking site, but is designed exclusively for the classroom.
Edmodo can:
· Be a communication tool between teacher and student
· Keep records of tasks
· Post alerts about upcoming events
· Set reminders for assignments
· Remind students of homework commitments

It works the same as Facebook as in communicating with accepted friends and you are able to upload files, links and file attachments and share them with your classmates. Comments can be posted on each other’s work which allows for peers to reflect and comment appropriately.

Edmodo polls in a great new addition to Edmodo. A teacher can pose a question and ask students to choose an option. These are then collated into a poll of the whole classroom’s viewpoints. This is another effective way to engage the learners.

Edmodo is also completely secure. Only those approved by the teacher can become a member of a particular classroom group.

Teachers can grade and notify each student of individual results within the application. The students are able to access all assignments through the program and when they are submitted they will automatically go straight to the teachers account. This saves an immense amount of time and also does not require that documents be printed. Edmodo helps preserve the environment too!

Web 2.0 technology is rapidly gaining popularity with this generation and Edmodo is a perfect example of how this technology can have huge educational benefits also. Teachers can engage students through the social networking interactions and gain an insight into how their learning is progressing.

I am looking forward to using Edmodo in my own classroom as a perfect means to communicate with my students and ensure they are engaged in quality learning.